Discover how to calculate your energy savings Syndicat National de la Fermeture, de la Protection Solaire et des Professions Associées

What are the parameters?


The calculations made by TEXTINERGIE are based on a number of model parameters. These most significantly include the following elements:

  • - The model building: it assumes an office space situated in the middle of the façade. There are two possible selections for the glazed surface of the room (40% and 80% of the office façade).

  • Model building
  • Model building

  • - Locations used: they are representative of different climatic zones. For towns located in France, they correspond to the climatic zones according to RT2005,
  • - Aspects: TEXTINERGIE considers different aspects depending on the hemisphere the selected town belongs and does not take into account the less exposed façade aspect. Therefore, South, Est, West and North-West aspects are possible for towns located in the northern hemisphere. North, Est, West and South-West aspects are possible for towns located in the southern hemisphere,
  • - Glazing: it assumes reference double glazing as defined in the standard EN 14501,
  • - Textiles: the thermal and optical properties of the selected textiles as well as their positioning (internal or external),
  • - Hours of occupancy (from 7 am to 7 pm) : the duration of occupancy determines how some of the parameters work,
  • - Control of the ambient temperature: heating and air-conditioning maintain the temperature at specific reference values,
  • - Control of the ambient luminosity: the position of the solar protection device is adjusted according to the amount of incoming natural light.

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